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Let me introduce to you Tobi and Ella. A couple from Leeds in England, who works as a Teacher and Policewoman. They share a wonderful house with a student named Anna.


Anna is a typical student, who likes to party even more than she has to study but Tobi and Ella cannot complain too much because Anna's dad is also their landlord!

Spend a day at school with short-tempered Tobi and find out a little bit about Anna's lifestyle.

A fun short read for everyone to enjoy without having Google Translator always in their hands!


Level  A2     Pages:  25    Words: 3.047  ​

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In the city of Leeds in England, there lived three people called Anna, Ella and Toby.

These three people live together in a beautiful house that has three bedrooms.

Anna is a student. She studies mathematics and Ella works as a police officer.

Toby also works. He is a teacher in a school.

Toby and Ella are a couple and live together in one of the bedrooms.


It was Sunday. Anna and Toby were in the kitchen. Toby was reading a book, but Anna had a problem and wanted to speak with him. 


“Toby…”, said Anna quietly.


Toby ignored her and continued to read.


“Toby!”, she repeated, this time loud and child-like.


Toby slowly laid his book onto the table. “Hello princess Anna, how can I help you today?”


“I don’t have any money”, said Anna. “I never have enough money!”


“What do you mean?” Toby asked. “Yesterday you still had 60 euros in the nightclub!”


“Yes, I did, but the wine in the nightclub cost me 25 euros per bottle… that was a lot of money!” 

“But why did you buy two bottles then?” asked Toby.

He continued, “Wait a second, I’m no mathematician like yourself, but if a bottle of wine costs 25 euros, then two bottles would cost 50 euros… that means you should have 10 euros left!”

“Yes, Mr Einstein, but I don’t have any money left,'' she answered.

“Why not?”

“I lost the 10 euros.”

“What?”, asked Toby. “You’ve lost the 10 euros? Where exactly? On the street? In the club?”


“I don’t know where exactly,'' Anna answered sadly. “Last night I still had 60 euros and today I have nothing! Please Toby, can you lend me 40 euros until Friday?”


“No, you’re not getting any money from me and now go away, I want to keep reading my book!”


“Please Toby! Only until Friday.”


“And what is happening on Friday?” Toby asked.


“On Friday, my parents are coming to visit.”


“Aaaah yes, how could I forget that? Every Friday your parents come and give you money.” Tobi laughed… “Oh thank you rich mummy! Thank you rich daddy!”


“Please Toby,” Anna repeated, “Don’t laugh at me! I only need 40 euros until Friday. Can you help me?”


“Yeah, yeah, okay! Take the money from my leather jacket. It’s in my bedroom.”


“Thanks Toby… and next Saturday I’ll only buy one bottle of wine in the club!”

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